God of GLORY

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Could I Have Another Chance!!

Dominic & Nomi's Mission

When I was a young man, the doctors gave me a few years to live. When the time came that I thought I was going to die; I just went out to the woods to die. I had never been to a church a day in my life, so I didn't know how to pray!! I simply cried out to a God I had never met, with a joint, a drink and a doctor's report of death in my hand. The animals began to gather all around me and I just thought it was good dope. I had no idea what had happened in the woods, when a few weeks later my doctor would tell me that I was totally healed!! My mind went back to that day in the woods and I realized what had happened. God's Love and Glory had filled those woods when He reached down from Heaven to heal me!!! How sad that the animals recognized God's Glory, but I didn't!

From those woods, I began to chase after this God who had met me right where I was and healed my body of its disease. For ten years, the Holy Ghost would raise me with ten to sixteen hours a day of reading the Word, in prayer and God Encounters with other people. I have been on a mission of compassion to have people everywhere meet this awesome, loving, merciful, and gracious God that met me in those woods. On my journey, God gave me a divine appointment with an intercessor, a Godly woman, Nomi, who was crying out for a Godly man in her life who loved Jesus more than she did. Nomi's life was also saved by the hand of God while she was dying in an emergency room; I will let my wife tell you her testimony. After a period of dating, we would be married, and the anointing in the ministry and in our lives increased mightily and God would launch us and Christ Intervention Ministries around the world.

Together we are used by the Lord to bring the Word of God, with the power of the Holy Spirit to establish an atmosphere where God's Glory fills the room and people step through the Cross onto the Highway of Holiness. My wife and I have seen a multitude of lives enter the Kingdom of God, hearts healed, bodies healed, ministries built and churches, cities, and Nations changed!!

God gets all the Glory!! We are only instruments in the Father's Hand and we have the privilege to be on the front lines to watch God push back the gates of Hell.